[Politics] Its the end of the Reagan as we know it...
...and I feel fine.
Though some view Ronald Reagan as a saint, let me remind you (in no specific order); Iran-Contra, Hostage Crisis, Beirut, Grenada, Libya, Reaganomics, Welfare Queen, record debt, Death Squads, Challenger and a draconian AIDS policy of denial and contempt. Don't counter with things like the end of the Cold War (would have happened without him) or any of that stuff. His minuses outnumber his pluses and results in an overall F- for President Reagan.
See http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=18874 for further information and gems about Reagan.
Burn in hell.
I have been criticized by some (who have not posted here on the blog) that I was a bit vitriolic in my comments regarding Reagan. I do not apologize and more over I shame anyone who wants to make him a saint, call him a great President, put his face on a $10 bill, or immortalize him on Mt Rushmore.
Reagan while in office has been like a lot of our Presidents have been he did some good things, he did some bad things. But I feel that his Administration started the ball rolling and set the stage for the current Administration, whom under which we as a country have suffered tremendously, and subtly.
Fessing up: I was on board with your post until "burn in hell." My vitriol is tempered by remembrance of Nancy Reagan and her family, and by my experience caring for persons with Alzheimer's dementia. My sympathy goes to them.
On the other hand, Reagan is a bit too fondly remembered- we need'nt entertain changing currency or naming anything after him (there's already a Reagan son named for the man... that's more than enough!). I think we will live to see the exposition of many scandals from his presidency; let that be our memorial.
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