
[Musings] I wish I was beautiful.

I wish I was beautiful. Ripped and chiseled. Able to wear the hip and trendy clothes. To be able to garner looks (even though I am happily married, it is a self-esteem thing).

Beautiful people have an easier time in life.

When you are not beautiful, you are not noticed.


Avindair said...

Yes, beautiful people have an easier time of life. I've known a fair number, and I won't deny that things do happen more easily for them.

Thing is, with very few exceptions, they haven't been the greatest people, either. Without the need to struggle, to use their brains and actually make a difference, they tended to become vain, hollow shells. And that, frankly, makes their appearance a long-term liability.

Face it: Beauty fades. Character lasts a lifetime. They don't get that. We do.

AllThingsSpring said...

Devils advocate time...

Imagine you are a beautiful woman. Now imagine that all the great guys out there won't ask you out because they are too intimidated by your looks, and only cocky or drunk bozos make passes at you. You end up alone, or maybe capitulate and end up in a bad relationship based on superficiality.

Imagine you are a beautiful woman and people comment on your beauty all the time. And I mean ALL THE TIME. They don't see your intelligence, or your wit, or your interests, or your humanity, so much as they see your face, breasts, legs, or whatever makes you 'beautiful' in their eyes. How old would that get?

Japanese women used to black out their teeth because a pearly white smile was considered ugly. Men used to wear powdered wigs. It was flat chested flapper girls in the 1920's and silicone enhanced voluptuous emergency flotation devices in the 1980's.

What if you are a man, ripped and chiseled (beefcake or swimmer's body? there are differences in the image you project). Do people look at you and think, "wow, what a body, he must be cool", or do they think "wow, that person must be really self-obsessed to spend that much time in the gym, 'cause you don't get abs like those sitting on the couch". Or maybe they think "wow, killer bod. Only a gay man would go to that much trouble", or "wow, great bod. must be dumber than a box of hammers, 'cause smarties wouldn't have time for the freeweights and the $200 haircut"

As for hip and trendy clothes, in the words of Yves Saint Laurent "Fashion fades - style is eternal". And frankly personality was everything to do with your ability to pull off an outfit. Its all about pure will and attitude. c.f. any open transvestite

For that matter, would you want an easier time in life? Should life be effortless, devoid of conflict? How dull.

Not being noticed is also a choice. Not everyone wants or needs attention. In fact, it may be more trouble than it is worth.

My own personal bias is that the opinions of the mass of humanity are not something worth caring about. If you are happy from within with who you are, people will respect you for being a strong and unique person. And if they don't, fuck 'em - you don't need them.

Beauty comes in all flavors, and often in ways unexpected and delightful. Everyone has their own eye with which to behold beauty. Surround with people who already think you are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much allthingsspring! I just read your comment today & it's May 2008, but your words & ideas really made me feel better about myself.:) I was looking at a supermodel's pics & was wishing I could be as beautiful on the outside. But thank you for sharing your knowledge of the past 1920s & your insight for I never really thought of it all in that way. I've learned much & feel better because of it.;) I'm happy about internet because of being able to access good things, good ideas & good any whatever u can think of!(for I once was a nay-sayer to the internet technology for I was ignorant & not open to challenge & growth during that time in my life.) Any way, if u every see this, I just wanted to say thank you for making my day really good! God Bless ya allthingsspring... 0:)