[Musings, Science, Politics, Religion] F*ck the Creationists
I think E=mc Hawking sums up my feelings pretty well with his song "Fuck the Creationists".
Creationism (or Intelligent Design if you want to candy-coat it) upsets me, deeply. Now that is not to say whether (g|G)od(s) created the universe. I have no proof (either positive or negative), who knows? But we can prove, using the tools of science that the earth is a helluva a lot older than 10000 years and underwent distinct geological periods full of variances of life almost inumerable in permutation. We have proof that organisms adapt to their environment. We can witness mechanisms of mutation and selection. Why?
It's evolution motherfuckers.
We no longer live in the fucking Dark Ages.
Why is evolution taught in public schools? Because it is grounded in science, not faith. It has facts. Public education, because of the wisdom of the separation of church and state, is grounded in the basis of non-religious teachings. Why? Because we are a nation of many, we do not discriminate or select or favor one culture, one race or one religion over all others. The bible is for church, it is not a textbook (for science at least, philosphy, anthropology, sociology, maybe, but not science).
Don't player-hate science (science can admit when it is wrong, if there is proof and evidence to show it, and no faith is not proof, if you have proof, then faith is irrelevant, thus eliminating the need for faith and making (g|G)od go poof in a cloud of logic).
> Creationism
God creates Earth in 144 hours. Takes 24 off for 'chillin.
> We no longer live in the fucking Dark Ages.
I beg to differ. The evidence seems to suggest that we in fact do live in a sort of mental dark age. That despite overwhelming evidence for all sorts of things, people choose to believe whatever they wish, usually whatever claptrap they were brought up with, without a critical eye. Not even a majority, not even a significant minority of people in this country accept human beings as being evolved from previous lifeforms.
> Why is evolution taught in public schools?
Because until now agnostics have had better lawyers?
Because it is grounded in
> science, not faith.
Then why do we teach Economics?
> Public education, because of the
> wisdom of the separation of church and state, is grounded in the basis
> of non-religious teachings.
Secularism seems under attack a lot lately.
Why? Because we are a nation of many, we do
> not discriminate or select or favor one culture, one race or one
> religion over all others.
A whole hell of a lot of people in this country would disagree, both the one's being discriminated against, and those most of the time not being allowed to discriminate against others for failure to practice their beliefs.
The bible is for church, it is not a textbook
> (for science at least, philosphy, anthropology, sociology, maybe, but
> not science).
I wouldn't even go that far as a useful text in those fields. It is a historical novel, and probably is most useful in understanding Western Literature more than any other subject. It makes for a suspect text in history and anthropology, confusing and antique sociology and philosophy. I personally feel its most sage advice regards the tips on making love to a woman and the inadvisability of eating shellfish in the area around the Dead Sea.
Intelligent Design is a stealth campaign to take on the vaneer and trappings of science, without any of the actual scientific rigour or methodology. It is just disguised bullshit meant to sneak in fundamentalist-interpreted Xtian dogma into the public mind. By hook or by crook, they want to winnow away support for a rational matierialist worldview, and even losing the battles over and over again in public serves their purpose in getting people to think that their ideas may be on the same level as evolutionary and natural selection theories. They just aren't.
Moreover, and this is my personal thing, is that what could be more faithful to the believed creator of the universe than to investigate and document the rules and ways of physical reality. If God did indeed create the universe, then discovering, analyzing, and rendering more clearly and undestandably the nature of the universe is revealing and bringing us closer to an appreciation and understanding of God. So not only does insisting on human written dogmas as truth while denying verifiable reality smack me as plain immature, but also, in a way, as a mild heresy against nature and whatever might have created that nature.
>>Because it is grounded in
>> science, not faith.
>Then why do we teach Economics?
We need escapist fantasy?
Seriously, most of Economics does not seem grounded in faith or science, or reality for that matter.
>>Why? Because we are a nation of many, we do
>> not discriminate or select or favor one culture, one race >>or one
>> religion over all others.
>A whole hell of a lot of people in this country would >disagree, both the one's being discriminated against, and >those most of the time not being allowed to discriminate >against others for failure to practice their beliefs.
We still 'offically', explicitly do not, as a government embrace one religion over another, one race over another.
Granted this is my romantic idealism about what this country should be, but still our official documents written by a bunch of dead, old, white guys, state the church and state are separate and had the implications that they were doing that because they knew the dangers it could entail to our growing experiment in democracy.
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