
[Musings] Why I can't piece two sentences together.

I've been suffering from writers block again, severely. I don't know why, I have a lot of pent up rants and observations crying to be birthed unto the world. I think it might be the fact I have worked almost everyday for two weeks and am thoroughly exhausted. It might be because I was dissed by a vendor at work (revenge is a dish best served chilled, with a cheese and cracker tray). But mostly I think it might be because it is a full moon.

Now before you laugh, I've been doing an observational experiment over the last few months and my productivity does go down the 3 days around and during a full moon. I get absent minded, I loose my ability to form cogent thoughts and sentences, and I make stupid mistakes. Now, this could be because I seem to notice it and hence psych myself out, but other strange things happen during a full moon. Systems at work break in strange ways, all by themselves.

I dunno, maybe I am going insane.

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