
[Musings] How the day is going so far...and its only 8am

Got up a lot earlier than usual.

Got into work and my workstation was at the root login prompt, /var was fucked totally, 20 minutes of fsck and I finally gave up, in the process of rebuilding now.

blogger is being flaky.

This server is currently experiencing a problem. An engineer has been notified and will investigate.

Status code: 1-500-11

It is now 08:08.

Update: corporate email is down as well and has been since 9pm, the *nix team does not take care of it (exchange servers) but it is still making our life hell since every app group here use email for monitoring. It is now 09:17.

Update: workstation fixed and most of my software restored, thankfully I use my laptop as the authoritative source and have multiple copies of various things in multiple locations and keep it updated frequently. Work email still dead, but it provides a strange tranquility. It is now 14:11.

Observation: some pop-ups still get through firefox's pop-up blocker, I wonder if a site can 'buffer overflow' the pop-up blocker so to speak until one gets through.

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