
Nerd { Curly Brace Syntax

Was the switch to category--curly brace--subject a subtle developer touch, or a more subtle jab at my consideration of picking up Python as my first real programming language? ;}


Pernox said...

Neither, just got bored of the "square" brackets. Everyone is free to use what they want. :-)

I just went squiggly.

PS I still think you will be better served going Perl or C first...

Pernox said...

Actually, screw any of those, learn to program in Unrealscript.

AllThingsSpring said...

I seriously considered Perl, but I think Python is the route I'm going to go. Right now, I'm more interested in simple but powerful scripting for system administration that I can extend into full blown programming should I desire to. Perl is obviously very good at manipulating textfiles and the like which is what 90% of it would be, but Perl is also a mess. I want code I can actually read. C is way more than I need right now. I'm also looking at PowerShell (aka Monad) for some sysadmin stuff (since I'm working mostly in a Windows environment). Frankly, right now, a better undestanding of SQL would probably be the most useful code skills I could pick up. I do need to find a decent IDE for Python. None of this will happen fast, as it is not a high priority.