
[Health] Summer colds suck

Summer infections of the viral kind really suck. Hacking cough, stuffed up, burned out nasal passages, headaches, 10 kilograms of cement strapped to your chest.

Called in sick Tuesday, went in Wednesday and Thursday morning, should have called in sick those days too. Coworkers had to tell me to go home yesterday after I sounded like death warmed over. Had the good sense to call in sick today. Probably infected half the office and set back my recovery a day or two. I think my cello teacher probably thought I was drunk on Monday evening (it is very hard to read sheet music and play the cello when you are sick). The human immune system is very good, but it requires that one does not overexert oneself. If I had simply convalesced instead of trying to push, push, work, I'd probably be feeling a bit better. I read a great book a while back called How to Be Idle, which had a good chapter about how people don't even know how to be sick anymore. We're always too busy, trying to tough things out instead of relaxing and letting things take care of themselves.

My brother, sister-in-law, and niece are in town this weekend and I probably won't get to see them for more than a minute or so for fear of infecting my 9 month old niece with something she probably already had.

Apparently half the people I know had gotten or know someone who has gotten this nasty cold. Worst rumor I heard is that this one hangs on for two, even three weeks. Come on immune system! I'm not working. I'm giving you lots of gatorade! Regular does of the real, working sudafed (approved by methheads everywhere), and ibuprofen. Plenty of sleep. I'm even back on a little coffee to fight the caffeine withdrawl headaches. Adapt! Kill those nasty little viruses!

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