
Politics { MN DFL needs to brace for another 4 years of Pawlenty

Dear MN DFL,

I write as a concerned citizen who has served in the ranks and carried the banner of your organization. Please note that while Mike Hatch has garned the victory in the MN Primary, and has a name recognition, he is perhaps ill suited to be governor, having better chops to be Attorney General, and in a race against Pawlenty he will have a tough run. The two candidates are too similar and represent the status quo. Please be prepared to write off the Govenor's race and focus on getting Amy Klobuchar elected to US Senate, and to insure that the DFL (or non-GOP) candidates gain control of the State House and maintain control of the State Senate. Since I feel it will be tough to win against Pawlenty (as it will be hard to bring anything bad against him since he has done nothing...for 4 years, and more if you count his service in the State House) you must ensure that his ineptness at leading us is kept in check and minimized if possible, with a solid front in the Legislature.

Mr. Hatch, if elected, please remember that 24% of us voted for Becky Lourey and you would do well to get her involved some how, she has great ideas as well as passion and energy.

PS - Olmsted County DFL, you should take a page from the Senate Districts in the Twin Cities on how to run a DFL caucus. I almost left the party after serving as a delegate in the congressional district caucus. You have some serious internal issues that need to be fixed.


MN 2006 Primary Election Results

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