
musings { Put something on the internet...

And someone will be a douche.

Penny Arcade said it best:


Avindair said...


(Oh, and ironically enough? My 'challenge word' to post this was pubot. I shit you not.)

Knight of Nothing said...

OMG it's so true. Being a glutton for punishment, I have take to reading the comments on the Coleman v. Franken stories on startribune.com. Talk about douchebags. I have to stop when I feel my head about to explode.

GeekGoddess said...

Too true! Of course, we've seen it since the days of Talk Relay and early Bulletin Boards.

Knight - I know what you mean on the Strib, and not just on the Coleman vs Franken comments. I imagine people sitting at their computers with their morning coffee, just waiting to loose their bile on the rest of the Twin Cities.