
[Politics] MN Precinct Caucuses

Tonight, 7pm, GO! It is your civic duty.

In this time of war, scandal, infringment on civil liberites, and corporate favoritism, it is time to remind the lawmakers that this is a gov't of the people, by the people, for the people. Who cares if it is a mid-term election? Local politics are equally, if not more, important that federal politics. If you only vote every 4 years and only vote for whomever will win, then shame on you, you are worse than those who never vote. Being an active member of our society means paying taxes AND being a member of the body politic, that is VOTE! In Minnesota, Caucuses are the first step in that process.

Go to your party's caucus. Get involved.

1 comment:

AllThingsSpring said...


DFL: 651-293-1200 or 1-800-999-7457; www.dfl.org

Republican: 651-222-0022; www.mngop.org

Independence: 651-487-9700; www.mnip.org

Green: 612-871-4585; www.mngreens.org

Constitution: 763-227-4359; www.cpmn.org

Other information is available from the Minnesota Secretary of State: www.sos.state.mn.us.