
Politik { Wow, just wow

My first response - this is jaw droppingly disgusting. (Check out their ACLU 'commercials' also...) But I just had a realization. Is this their visceral response to The Daily Show/The Colbert Report? How will we ever come together? Or even co-exist?

Other thoughts... so does this mark a new acceleration in the increasing trend towards infotainment? This is being done by Fox News. Arguably those special 'news magazines' hours on all the 24 hour news channels are only a hair more legitimate. Assuming there will be an interview segment, will liberals be as sporting and as brave as a number of conservatives who have gone on TDS/CB? Thought it could be suggested that the conservatives who do choose to go on those shows are either ignorant, arrogant, or simply want the media attention. Or at least to go on Fox News the next day and bitch about it.

1 comment:

Pernox said...

Sadly I know people who would think this is funny. I know its meant to be funny. And 'hip'. But...I can't watch anymore, I need a shower.