
[Movie] Star Wars ep3: Revenge of the Shit...I mean Sith

Overall grade: B+

I still don't forgive you Lucas for ep1 and ep2, but ep3 was a lot better. Darker was better. The acting of Christensen and Portman was still flat, but better than the 'I hate sand' stuff of ep2. But he plays evil better than he does a good-hearted caring individual. Jar-Jar was there but did not speak, which is a bit of a cop-out, you made him a major character, so make him prominent.

Eventhough the acting was a little flat between Portman and Christensen, the others did well. The epic battles were epic. I have to admit, I loved the first 10 minutes, I said to 'Nerdwife', even if the rest of the movie sucks, the first 10 minutes were pure awesome.

Mon Mothma was supposed to be there somewhere, but she wasn't really introduced, which I haven't decided if it was cool or not. The digital rendering of Moff Tarkin was also very good.


Anonymous said...

I agree. My review is "it sucked less" It still sucked, but it was better than ep2.

AllThingsSpring said...

better than the 'I hate sand' stuff of ep2

[SHUDDER] The "I hate sand..." speech is some of the worst 'romantic' dialogue ever to make it to the silver screen. Those two have no chemistry at all.