
[Musings] Cutting the cord, cancelling cable.

I just cancelled cable. Wow it felt good. But it didn't come without reservations. For the most part cable is a cesspool of poor programming. But I had the channels I liked (Science Channel, BBC America, Sci-Fi, Comedy Central, Bravo, Cartoon Network). However living the distributed lifestyle, we no longer have much time for TV. After a week without it, we realized that suddenly we had gaps in our day that felt empty. That is when we realized that this is where we would normally watch TV. When we tallied up the hours we found TV really took too much of our time. Since we would only be able to see cable 50% of the time or less, the $60/month expense is not worth it. Which was the other reason for the cancellation. We originally purchased cable when it was $40/month and the service was provided by AT&T. AT&T sold the service to Comcast and within six months our price went from $40/month to $58/month, and we received a letter from Comcast that said basically even though our municipality wasn't raising Francise Fees, the law says we can, so we will. That left a bad taste in my mouth. Plus Comcast's purchase of G4 and TechTV kind of ruined TechTV.

Cest'la Vie. I will miss Morgan Webb, South Park and the BBC, but not much else.

We will be better for having cut the cord with the TV. We read more, we walk more, I surf the internet more. In otherwords I feel like I am living better.

PS - Discovery and Learning Channels, how about putting science shows and educational stuff back on? I am tired of home improvements (aka house pr0n).

1 comment:

Nerdwife said...

I'm amazed that loss of cable prompted this monologue, but you have been talking about "withdrawal symptoms" lately. I was too lazy to move a TV to the other house, and it seems to be working out... evidently you've given this a bit more thought than I. With regard to Morgan Webb, South Park and BBC- boobs, blasphemy and Brits are widely available on that other (mother, teacher, secret lover) device, the internet. Fear not.