
[Video Game] The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

Category: Action/First Person/Stealth/RPG
Rating: M (very bloody, scary monsters, harsh language)

Synopsis: This game is set in the time period between 'Pitch Black' and 'The Chronicles of Riddick' and the game itself (the part you play) is a flashback of Riddick's to the time period before 'Pitch Black'. The game is meant to fill in more story and myth of the Riddick universe. It fills in a few more gaps about the history of the Furyans and how Riddick fits in as well as provides the story of how his eyes were 'shined'.

- Excellent graphics and the game ran smooth at high settings. Everything had a realistic look and textural feel to it.
- Excellent sound and voice acting. Vin Diesel played Riddick.
- Stealth. I am a big stealth in games fan. Which is why I love the Thief series.
- Neat tricks like drop-killing opponents. You can jump on them from great heights and they die as well as break your fall.
- gritty prison life drama

- Short, I completed the game in about 16 hours of play
- Linear. However, you are not creating a story, merely moving through it. So it is like an interactive movie.

I thoroughly enjoyed the escape of the game and since I did not find all the secrets (packs of cigarettes that unlock extra stuff like TCoR movie trailer and such) and I am playing it a second time.

I also downloaded the Star Wars: Republic Commando demo and liked enough of what I saw to get the game.

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