
[Question] Aboveness of lawitude

If Harry Whittington dies of another heart attack (perish the thought) related to the buckshot embedded in his cardiac tissue by Dick Cheney, will the Texas police charge the vice president with manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide? Discuss.


Pernox said...

There are also stories emerging of possible alcohol consumption by the VP before going hunting.


If it turns out that the VP was drunk, he should get the same treatment as any other citizen.

Nerdwife said...

Silly bloggers, you know the answer to these questions. Of course the Veep was drunk, that's how he does his finest work. Consider also where this happened- I'm sure there's a law in Texas to exonerate him in case of shooting. Violations of federal statute and unjust wars do not even warrant investigation of this administration- why would simple domestic murders trigger any action?