
Future { No one knows what the future holds

Still in a pensive mood. Decided I am going to lay off the news for a while. Not because I don't want to know what is going on in the world, but in an effort to buoy what I have left of a mental state of mind. The more I hear and read the more I feel helpless and that what I am doing and what I am believing doesn't matter, things will not change and I will have to continue to eat the shit sandwich I have been eating for a long time.

I also realize I have made myself too public, both here and in real life. I need to reel some of this back in and return to my quiet state. This with the fact that I have a summer to-do list as long as I am tall, I will be going on hiatus for the summer. I will still post, just not as frequent for the remainder of the summer. It depends on how the spirit moves me.

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