
War { Semantics and Failure


escalate /"EskleIt/
v.t. & i. (Cause to) increase or develop, esp. by successive stages.

Throwing more bodies at a problem we likely cannot fix is not acceptable.
We have ALREADY LOST the war in Iraq.
Civil war is inevitable.
The U.S. Military sucks at 'nation building'.
Bush is ignoring the advice of nearly every informed expert.
The Democrats are slitting their own wrists by refusing to cut off funding to the war or impeach Bush and Cheney. Congress: quit enabling quagmire ala Vietnam in Southwest Asia.
The U.S. troops and Iraqis are dying.

If this cannot be stopped by our government then our government is fundamentally broken by logisitics and by corruption.

1 comment:

Pernox said...

Civil war in Iraq is not inevitable. It is occurring now, its just semantics that keep it from being called what it is, 'sectarian violence' is just a fancy term for it. Civil war, and calling it such would mean the Administration made a mistake, and as they stated, these guys don't make mistakes, we just take things out of context.