machinima { Amazing work
The Craft of War: BLIND
The Craft of War: BLIND from percula on Vimeo.
Awesome video (and its about rogues). The guy who created this worked professionally as an animator and was recently laid off from his job.
The Craft of War: BLIND
The Craft of War: BLIND from percula on Vimeo.
Awesome video (and its about rogues). The guy who created this worked professionally as an animator and was recently laid off from his job.
from the mind of
labels: machinima, worldofwarcraft
I know the blog has been pretty idle for the last few months. 2008 has been a year I'm ready to put behind me. Its been an escalating painful year, one bad thing after another, none of which were caused by anything we could have prevented. Its been a year of experience. Its been a year of declining health and an increasing withdrawn outlook and attitude to the world. We've broken off contact with most people we know, we have gone low-key because this year every time we stepped out and tried to do something or be ourselves we were smacked down.
Those people, all of them, who decided that we were enemies suddenly and out of the blue and went above and beyond in an attempt to destroy us, people whom we trusted and thought of as friends, will never be forgotten, nor can I ever forgive them. All of them.
This year, much like 2002 when I underwent my ordeal with cancer, was also a year when we found out who our true friends were, and for that I am grateful. These people are cherished and loved by us.
Our love for each other has been renewed and strengthened. We've been through a lot in the nearly a decade of marriage. We will survive.
2008 was going to be a year of dreams and hopes. We had a lot planned, but it became a year of nightmares. Stolen dreams. Crushed hopes.
I will not allow my spark of hope and optimism go out however, for I've been there and that is the deepest darkness. 2009 will be better, for there is only one place to go, up.
from the mind of
some music about clouds:
from the mind of
labels: musicvideos, random