[Nerd] Live from LISA 2004 in Atlanta, GA...
Its GeistX!!!
Look me up if you are a fellow sys admin geek type. I won't tell you anymore, you will have to guess which one is me...
Its GeistX!!!
Look me up if you are a fellow sys admin geek type. I won't tell you anymore, you will have to guess which one is me...
from the mind of
Damn it I need to get a powerbook and something to run Solaris 10 x86 on!
Dtrace, the one true tool!
#!/bin/sh --
Captain's Log, stardate 11192004 -- observation of this advanced race of humans, homo sysadminus...
LISA day 6, you would think I would be to the point of butt-burning by this day, but this has been the best training/conference I have attended since the Internationl Science and Engineering Fair in 1993.
I have met many great people and have become involved in many interesting and great things.
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