
activism { Panty Power

Saw this on omninerd:

Panty Raid Activism
from OmniNerd News by gnifyus

When diplomacy fails in Burma, it’s time to break out the radical activist weaponry, namely: The Women’s Panty. In response to the recent crackdown on monks, The “Panties for Peace Campaign” has found its way to Chiang Mai Thailand where they are sending women’s underwear to the men of Burmese embassies around the world. They are hoping to play on the superstitious beliefs held widely by junta generals that any contact with women’s undergarments (clean or dirty) can reduce their strength. So far activists claim that hundreds of the dangerous undergarments have been sent around the world with 140 pairs sent to the Geneva embassy alone.

The message on the activists' website reads: "This is your chance to use your Panty Power to take away the power from the SPDC. You can post, deliver or fling your panties at the closest Burmese Embassy any day from today. Send early, send often."

So remember to fling early and fling often.

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