
[Food] White Trash-tastic

I had to counter, and fast! Chana Masala bequeathed me with a certain sophistication I was ready to shed (previous Eat Club). I called my ma (Hey ma! Get off the dang roof!) and unearthed a favorite of mine from growin' up in rural MN. It's one part casserole one part terrible for you. Perfect.

Pizza Pop-Up
1lb ground beef, browned (the higher the fat content, the better)
1 can pizza sauce (stay away from Chef Boyardee sauce)
1 onion, sliced
1 pepper, sliced
1 can black olives, sliced
1 large package mozzarella cheese (again, don't skimp on the fat)

Mix together

Place mixture on top of 1 can biscuits, cut into quarters

Bake for ~45min at 375F

Add freshly grated parmesan cheese for classy touch

Meatless works just as well. Last night I decided to substitute in some cherry tomatoes for my vegitariat friend.

Bad Mother Bars (hereafter known as Ridiculous Bars)
K thru 12 I went to school with a set of female fraternal twins. One was lovely and perfect, the other relatively normal. Their mother was a total bitch to the non-perfect one. Awful, awful mother. Makes good bars.

Make some rice crispie bars (on box)
Melt 1 can of sweetened condensed milk with 1 bag of caramels
Pour mixture onto RCBs
Make some more RCBs
Place on top of RCB/caramel goo
Melt chocolate chips
Top 'er off

Many thanks to GeistX and Nerdwife for the libations and entertaining company. I'm glad you've been enjoying the culinary trip 'round the world. I have a proposition: I think we should spice up Eat Club with a rotating 4th. Maybe people we always intended on getting to know but just didn't get around to it? Wandering bums on the street? Starving friends?


Pernox said...

I still have not had a dessert since the 'Bad Mother Bars' damn they was good!

I ate the pizza pop-up last night for dinner...mmmm as good cold as hot!

Rotating fourth? Hmmmm...no one talks about Eat Club... ;-)

Pernox said...
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