
life { VA Tech Shootings

I've not said anything about this topic because I think others have said it better. It will remain a dark day in our history for as long as there are those who remember. Tragedies such as these are not times of politicizing. These should be times of reflection. When we stop, even if for a little bit and think about the world we live in. Think of those who lost loved ones. Tap that deepest parts of our souls that can sympathize with others that part that has been termed our basic humanity. Mourn for the dead, both for the victims and the shooter.

Round up of links:

Evil Bobby has some good thoughts and links surrounding this topic

Salon.com has a great round up of press from around the world, its interesting what other cultures and societies have taken from this event.

NYTimes coverage on the topic.

Everyone has of course (those that aren't stumping the pro-/anti-gun control issue, or the terrorist sub-plot theories, or the religious arguements) have started to analyze the person, Cho, who did the shootings. I don't think we will really know why, or what led to this. I don't think it could ever be that cut and dried. A person's life, like all the lives that were ended, are rich tapestries.

*Update - Seriously, read the salon.com round-up. The news from the world is shock and sympathy for the lost coupled with a sort of 'when will America wake up?' message. *

1 comment:

Knight of Nothing said...

I struggled with whether to post about this too. I was going to, but then spotted your post. No point in going much further. I will say only this: it is a sad, horrible, almost unspeakable tragedy for the families and friends of the students and faculty of VA Tech, and a day of reckoning for the institution. My thoughts are with them.

A national tragedy? No. Grist to grind in order to make some political point? No. Events like this are like a natural disaster. Do what you can to prepare for them, then weather them as best you can.

My two cents.